School Rules:

The following rules will apply at all times, to and from school and throughout the day.

  1. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  2. Be on time and prepared to learn.

  3. Be courteous, respectful, and cooperative.

  4. Use safe conduct at all times.

Student Dress Code:

The following minimum standards are required of all students to ensure their safety and preserve an environment conducive to learning. The standards also apply to school sponsored activities.

  1. Appearance shall be neat, clean, and safe. Makeup/glitter products are not allowed.

  2. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Examples of prohibited garments are:

    1. See-thru of fishnet fabrics

    2. Tops with string-straps, halters and off the shoulder styles

    3. Low cut and wide armhole tops

    4. Any shirt that does not cover waist when both arms are raised

    5. Unhemmed shorts/skirts shorter than mid-thigh

  3. All clothing, accessories, or jewelry are prohibited that contain:

    1. Lettering. desing that depict sexually suggestive expressions

    2. Profanity, drugs, alcohol, etc.

    3. Anything that degrades an individual or a group

    4. Gang related

    5. Hair nets, bandannas, scarves

  4. Shoes must be worn and should be appropriate for physical education class activities

    1. No backless or slip-on shoes (slippers are allowed for pajama day only)

    2. No high heels, platform shoes, steel toed boots or heeleys (shoes with wheels on them)

  5. Hats, caps, sun visors must be worn only outdoors.

  6. Tattoos are not allowed

  7. Chains, spikes, or studs are prohibited

Note: The administration shall have the discretion to prohibit any other apparel accessory, or jewelry not specifically mentioned above. For more information refer to student handbook.